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Rosedale COVID-19 Plan

Rosedale COVID-19 Plan

Please click here to view the Covid-19 Plan
Student Study Team (SST) & Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Student Study Team (SST) & Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Student Study Team
     The Student Study Team (SST) is an efficient and effective way to bring together all resources in the best interest of helping students reach their potential. The team is made up of support teachers (Title I & RSP), classroom teachers, the psychologist and administrator.    Students are most successful when there is a cooperative effort between parents and school personnel in a spirit of shared responsibility. The Student Study Team meets at the school to explore and problem-solve, in order to help and support students having difficulties in regular classes.
     The team is a problem solving body that can define the needs of the students and school and help translate those needs into improved curriculum and instruction.
Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Individual Education Plan

Identification & Assessment:
    Early identification is an essential element of successful program planning for students with special needs. Students may be identified before they enter the schol system. In such cases, existing assessment and programming information will be requested without delay to permit planning. Students with special needs who have been identified prior to enrollment, or when students have obvious and severe special needs which have not been previously identified will be immediately assessed.   The school-based team should respond promptly to a teacher's request for a determination of the need for assessment planning and intervention.

Referral to the School-Based Team:
    Upon the request of the referring teacher or parent, the team provides support through extended consultation on possible classroom strategies, helps plan for and coordinate services for the student, provides access to additional school, district, community or regional services, and provides planning for the coordination of services in the school. Team members are resource teacher, psychologist, administrator, parents and district resource staff as needed.

IEP should define:
  • What should be taught, with how each goal or objective will be met.
  • Who will teach it?
  •  Modifications and accomodations needed in regular education setting.
  • Behavior plan, with goals and objectives, if the child's behavior is identified as a concern by the team.
  • Special education and related services to be provided for the student.
  • Where it will be taught and if changes in school buildings are needed.
  • When the program will begin, how long it will be provided, and when it will be reviewed.
  • Why the plan is needed, based on the assessment of the student's needs.
  • Parental approval with written consent before starting the program.
  • The written report of the assessment is made available to the parents.
Opportunities for Parental Involvement

Opportunities for Parental Involvement

Parents have many opportunities for involvement in school programs. There are parent volunteers who assist teachers in the classroom, as well as those who assist in outside projects such as field trip supervision. Parent input is sought through a variety of venues such as School Site Council/Bilingual Advisory Committee, and PTA. Staff on committees oversee parent invitations to school activities such as Family Literacy Nights, and monthly Award Assemblies. Parents are also invited monthly to a before-school reading program. Title I Program informational meetings are held annually. Parent conferences are also a key to excellent communication and contact. To communicate on a regular basis with Rosedale families, bi-monthly school newsletters are sent home in English and Spanish.  Contact the main office for more information
Parent Information

Parent Information

This Parent Resource Page has links to many concerns and service offered.  Please call the office if you need further help. 
Join PTA

Join PTA

Join PTA! 
  • Get connected with Rosedale parents and teachers.
  • Support campus activities and programs.
  • TO JOIN:  Obtain a membership envelope from your child's teacher or from the office and return it with your $5 membership dues.
  • Call the Rosedale Office for more information.


Here are some forms to view or print using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Use the first link to download if you don't have it!

Adobe Acrobat Reader ...Get it Free!!

 Field Trip Permission Slip Form - English

Field Trip Permission Slip Form - Spanish
(A, B & C are required for Volunteers Driving == A, C & D are required to work in the classroom)