Maestra Booth's Bitmoji Library
Maestra Booth's Bitmoji Library
Maestra Booth's Bitmoji Library
Library Catalog
Library Catalog
Library Catalog
Search For Books at Rosedale Destiny Discovery Library Catalog by Subject, Author, Title, or Keyword.
You can also search for books by AR reading level or language.
You can also search for books by AR reading level or language.
Renaissance Place
Renaissance Place
Renaissance Place
CUSD Elementary Library Resources
CUSD Elementary Library Resources
Visit the CUSD District Elementary Library site for MORE library resources and information.
Library Staff
Library Staff
Library Staff
Monica Brown, CUSD Elementary Teacher Librarian
(530) 891-3111
Shanna Booth Library Media Assistant
(530) 891-3111
Shanna Booth Library Media Assistant
(530) 891-3104 ext. 60177
(530) 891-3104 ext. 60177
Library Wishlist
Library Wishlist
Our wishlist includes popularly requested titles, new releases, or items
we've lost over the years and would like to replace. When you donate to
the Rosedale Elementary Library, your gift benefits every Rosedale
child. You can locate our wishlist here.
You can order directly from Amazon or use our wishlist to purchase the
titles from another vendor. We appreciate your support!