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Two Way Immersion Program

Chico Unified School District's Two Way Immersion Program

Chico Unified School District's Two Way Immersion Program

Childhood is the ideal time to learn a new language and the best time for most people to acquire complete fluency, flawless pronunciation, and a natural ease of expression.


This program offers Chico youngsters at the elementary level the unique and exciting opportunity of learning to read, write and communicate naturally in two languages: Spanish and English. Within six years, students acquire the priceless gift of dual language fluency.

Chico Unified School District's Two-Way Immersion Program groups native Spanish speakers with native English speakers in the same classroom. Ideally, one-half of the students are Spanish speakers and one-half are English speakers. Positive interaction between groups ensures that our students learn from each other. As friendships build, children become excited about working and playing in two languages.

-Emphasis on learning academic subjects through Spanish language instruction in the early grades allows --English-speakers to have maximum exposure to Spanish.

-Spanish speakers have the opportunity to build a strong base in their first language, enabling them to be more successful as they begin to acquire English.


Two-Way language students…

  • Develop fluency in two languages: Spanish and English.
  • Learn in an ethnically, culturally, and linguistically integrated environment.
  • Enjoy the art, music, and literature of other cultures while developing sensitivity toward other people.
  • Work cooperatively developing self-esteem and good social interaction skills.
  • Enrich their appreciation of the cultural diversity of our state.
  • Experience a wide variety of linguistic and cultural opportunities.



Fluency in communication and literacy in two languages: Spanish and English.

High academic achievement in all subject areas in both languages.

Appreciation and understanding of other cultures while developing positive attitudes among students, their families and their communities.



Longitudinal studies of Two-Way Immersion Programs show students who enter such programs at the kindergarten or first grade level and stay for several years, meet or exceed established norms for reading, mathematics and language development in both languages. An ongoing comprehensive evaluation of Chico Unified School District's Two-Way Immersion Program will take place.


Parent participation in the Two-Way Immersion Program is important and essential to the success of the program. You are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom, to work with your children at home and to participate in school organizations and activities. You are asked to make a five-to-seven year commitment to the Two-Way Immersion Program.


District curriculum guidelines are followed and grade level competencies are taught in all subject areas at all levels. Academic excellence is stressed and literature in both languages is a primary focus throughout the curriculum.

Kindergarten through Grade 1

  • All subjects taught in Spanish.
  • Emphasis on oral language development.
  • 20 minutes daily instruction in English.

Grade 2

  • All subjects taught in Spanish.
  • Emphasis on continued oral language development.
  • Daily instruction in English to 45 minutes.

Grade 3

  • Most subjects taught in Spanish.
  • Formal instruction in English, reading and writing begins.
  • English instruction increases to 70 minutes daily.

Grades 4-5

  • Instructional time gradually becomes evenly divided between Spanish and English.
  • The two languages used separately during different periods of instruction.
  • Reading and writing instruction in both Spanish and English.

Incoming Kindergarten students are eligible to participate in this program. As enrollment in this program is limited, students will be selected from all schools within Chico Unified School District through a lottery process on a space-available basis. If you are interested in this program, please contact:

Marisol Lopez, Principal

Rosedale Two Way Immersion Elementary School
